Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Carrie Prejean and Michael Phelps Dating "Casually", Grandma Confirms

Miss California Carrie Prejean is indeed dating bemedalled tanker Michael Phelps. This report was confirmed by Carrie's grandmother herself Jeanette Coppolla to Radar Online. Coppolla informed that "Carrie and Michael have been out to baseball games and lunch... He always calls her when he is in town and they go out.” When asked about Michael Phelp's "Casanova" reputation, Carrie's grandmother did not mince words that her granddaughter is fully aware of that and she's just taking their dates in a stride: "Carrie knows that he has dated a lot of girls but she enjoys going out with him and isn't serious about being in a relationship with him... He's a nice guy and she likes him."
Carrie Prejean and Michael Phelps Dating
When Carrie Prejean's granny was asked to comment about the Miss USA controversy that her grandchild is involved in a spat against blogger Perez Hilton, Jeanette Coppolla was just surprised that "there were too many gays out there". Jeannette wryly said that: "I don't know why that gay guy Perez was even judging a contest with a bunch of girls. That doesn't make any sense. He should be judging a Chippendale's contest". Uh-oh looks like granny will be next in line to be lashed out by Perez Hilton in his blog! To read the full interview of Jeanette Coppola, visit Radar Online website here and here.

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