Sunday, November 8, 2009

Robert Pattinson Likes Weirdo Roles

Although he's like the hottest Hollywood heartthrob to date, Robert Pattinson is not digging that 'hot item' that he is in reality when it comes to his movie roles. In fact, Rob has this penchant to do weirdo roles. The Twilight star says that he's attracted to the unorthodox roles that he plays. Aside from being that love struck vampire Edward Cullen, Robert Pattinson also played the eccentric painter Salvador Dali in Little Ashes and he also portrayed an out-of-the-box musician in How To BE. The reason for his preference for weirdo roles, RPattz explained, is that he can then blame any criticisms of his performance on the character's personality.
Robert Pattinson Professional Weirdo
That's quite a good excuse if he makes a bad performance in these movies! Robert Pattinson mentioned:"When you play a weirdo you always have an excuse - 'He's a weirdo'. I was a weirdo in The Haunted Airman and I just changed my opinion about everything." Robert also recounted how disappointed he was that his appearance in Vanity Fair was cut and he only noticed it upon watching the screening itself. Rob recounted that: "Tom Sturridge and I had scenes right next to each other (in Vanity Fair) and it was our first jobs. We went to the screening and we thought the whole thing was a joke anyway, because we had no idea what we were doing. We watched Tom's scene and were like, 'Yeah, that's pretty good' and then I was sitting there going, 'Ummm really?' No one had told me that I had been cut out?" Don't worry RPattz, right now - all your appearances are being in the center of everything for Team Edward.

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