Thursday, January 28, 2010

Challenge 10 - Blue, White, and Brown

Welcome back friends!

It's time for another fun challenge!! The very talented Inge is our host this week. She has come up with an AWESOME color challenge (one of my favorites)...Blue, White, and Brown!!

As usual, one lucky winner will receive 1 free Wags 'n Whiskers stamp of YOUR CHOICE!! Just remember that you must use a Wags 'n Whiskers stamp in order to be entered into the drawing.

Before we get to the Diva's awesome creations...and they are soooo awesome...I have a question...

What can we do to get more of you to participate with our challenges? We would really like to hear from you. Please leave us a comment if you have any suggestions...for instance, if you do not participate in the challenges, please let us know why you don't.

Ok... onto this week's Design Diva Samples...

Lacey (me)

Now it's your turn!! We would really love for you to play along! Remember, you could win a free Wags 'n Whiskers Stamp of your choice by playing along!!

Make sure to link your card to Mr. Linky to be entered into the drawing. And we would love to hear from you, too! Leave us a comment!

Happy Stamping!

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