Thursday, June 4, 2009

Emilie de Ravin - Robert Pattinson's New Leading Lady

Any girl who's linked to Robert Pattinson will surely be a hot topic, next in line will be Emilie de Ravin! If you're a Lost fan, you'll surely not miss Emilie as she played Claire Littleton there, the real mom of Kate's baby, Aaron! Now, Emilie de Ravin is set to exchange saliva with R-Pattz in a new movie, Remember Me, where they will be joined in by Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper. No, they won't be joining the salivary exchange - but Cooper and Brosnan will play father roles to Emilie de Ravin and Rob Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson's New Leading Lady - Emilie de Ravin
Remember Me will be a far cry to Rob Pattinson's vampiric streaks in the Twilight series, but it has an equally "dark" plot. R-Pattz will play a young lad caught up with his brother's loss that his life will go downward spiral. Emilie, on the other hand, will play a girl who suffered the same fate with a family member and she helps R-Pattz's character cope with his issues. Robert Pattinson fanatics will surely be digging his new roles as he molds up his versatility as an actor.

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