Monday, June 22, 2009

Will.i.Am - Perez Hilton Disrespected Us! (Video)

This is getting juicier! Will.I.Am of Black Eyed Peas denies all the allegations that Perez Hilton twittered that he physically "assaulted" the famous celebrity blogger. Will.i.Am says in his latest video that Perez "twists" the facts about the said incident.
Will i am Reacts to Perez Hilton
Will.I.Am exposed that Perez was the one who screamed at him "f#gg*t", while the pop group member approached him "with respect". Will.I.Am ended his video message to Perez with: "I don't hate you, Perez! You were the one disrespecting me and what I stand for... (What you twittered) were all lies! And that's wrong. Shame on you. Shame on your behavior. And that's just messed up!" As of press time, Perez Hilton has not yet released his statement about it in his blog, but in his Twitter account - Perez replied to all those people who says that he deserved to be "assaulted" - "Violence is NEVER called for!" and " can handle a verbal assault. But to hit me? To make me bleed? No. I can't and won't accept that." Somebody snapped back that "Wow violence? never called for? how about those little Microsoft paint jobs on ur site? that's emotional violence too." Oh well, I think this will be a long brouhaha we'll all watch out for!

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