Thursday, July 8, 2010

Quote: Televension

All these awards... it's probably rather boring for most of you so I thought I would share a little quote.

My little boy adores watching TV. Well, DVDs actually, where we can 'control' the content. No TV.

He's not so keen on the radio, though. That's boring - blah blah blah! And no pictures.

So he wanted to tell us to turn the radio off (he would never tell us to turn off the television)... but he still gets confused with his words sometimes. So he ended up saying:

"You have to turn the televension off!"

Now that I think about it, it doesn't make that much sense. But we had a good giggle anyway!

* If you are looking for an educational DVD, this is it: The Little Einsteins! In every story they travel around the world and introduce famous works of art and music. Children are supposed to join in the fun, too: they get asked questions, they have to clap their hands and sing along.

So for example, in 'The Glass Slipper Ball' they feature:
Art by Andy Warhol.

Music by Strauss. 

So parents can leave their children in front of the TV without feeling guilty!

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