Sunday, March 20, 2011

Single or In A Relationship.......................................

From the time we are little girls the fairy tale is implanted in our brains that when we grow-up our Prince charming is gonna come along and sweep us off our feet. I think even society puts pressure on us women about being married at a certain age. In my 31 years of living I have definitely realized life is no fairy tale.
I was so inspired by this video I had to blog about it. In this video the poet speaks of a relationship in her past where she settled, so she could say she had "a man". She even went to the length of trying to make him out to be "the one" when she knew deep down he wasn't. The poet speaks of The Man she will wait for and all of his attributes. Attributes of a Godly man, a leader like Moses and the passion for God like David. The part that was the most moving was the end when she speaks of if it is in God's will for her to be single she has already experienced the greatest love story of all in that is our relationship with Christ. How many men would die on the cross for you?
I haven't had much luck in the love department but when the right one comes along, I trust God that I will know him........

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