Sunday, April 11, 2010

Joby's Gorillamobile for iPhone is FAB

I love my iPhone because it's cool, easy to use and sooo much fun.

My four-year old loves my iPhone because of all the films I've downloaded.

Because he is the bursting-with-energy and can't-sit-still type, the iPhone is - for my dignity and sanity - a lifesaver.

But having to hold the phone in place is such a hassle. In restaurants we used to prop it up against bottles (which would get taken away by unobservant waiters/waitresses and the phone would go slide-bang on the table. Ouch.). Or salt shakers that weren't heavy enough to hold the phone's weight. Sigh.

But not anymore!

Enter Joby's Gorillamobile for iPhone. This thing has three legs that can stand, bend and twist. It really works.

We tried it on an airplane.

And in the car (above the window) to listen to a story.

And all I can say is: fantastic. If you use your iPhone or iTouch like I do, then get this.

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