Thursday, April 29, 2010

When a Chanel goes missing

There's some bad news... but first always the good news. (Or do you usually prefer to hear the bad news first?)

It was a beautiful, sunny day for sitting outside and sipping a Bellini, my favourite cocktail. I always order a bottle of sparkling water, too. Perrier used to be my mineral water of choice but now I prefer San Pellegrino - the bubbles are 'softer'.

I had a risotto with white asparagus and Parmesan. Hm, *** out of five, I would say. I had to add a bit of salt and pepper. The best risotto I've ever had was in some tiny Italian village which I can't remember the name of. I went there two nights in a row.

I took my wallet out of my bag. I also looked and looked for my coin purse but could not find it anywhere. (It's not at home, either.) Coin purse - yeah, who cares, at least it wasn't the wallet that I lost, right? Well, not when that coin purse was a CHANEL coin purse! I haven't shed any tears yet but I am a teeny weeny bit... ok, gutted. It was a limited edition thing that matches a handbag (that I still have) so I can't replace it. I probably left it in a supermarket so the odds of finding it are zero-nil-minus.


Then! I went to buy my husband a 'present' (some shirts). I got the extra boring plain white shirt and the boring plain blue shirt. I got a bit excited (can you imagine? in the men's shirt department) when I spotted something slightly different: shirts with subtle blue stitching on the collar. I thought they would make a nice change. Because it must get so boring wearing the same 'look' every day - suit, shirt, tie.

But you know what? My husband does not like them at all. OMG how B-O-R-I-N-G! How ungrateful! I am never, ever buying him anything anymore (even when it's with his money).

I have to return them. But tell me - are they really that bad? 

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