Thursday, February 25, 2010

First review: Detox and de-stress with Maya Fiennes DVD

This is my first ever yoga DVD!

It's Kundalini Yoga to detox and de-stress with Maya Fiennes.

What a relief that she wears a loose white outfit and not a horrid neck-to-ankle leotard that accentuates all the most unattractive curves. The background is also white: so simple, so pure. 

My very first thoughts: it's easy! No funny poses. The chants are not too silly. And I like the music - it's her own. It is soothing and you also get a CD with the DVD, which is an added bonus.

What I like most about this DVD so far:
1. I can do this in whatever clothes I am wearing that day. I've even done it in jeans, although I admit it wasn't that comfortable.
2. My body warms up when I do this but I don't sweat so I don't need to shower afterwards.
3. Most of the exercises are done sitting down, which seems wonderfully lazy.

I will report back regularly on my progress... 

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