Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Maia Campbell Update: Looking Good and Getting Better in 2010

After the heartbreaking videos and news about Maia Campbell getting hooked up and crazed by meth last year, good thing that her photos now seem she's doing good. Her family issued a statement that she's undergoing treatment and now Maia Campbell looks blooming and healthier.
Maia Campbell Update Looking Good and Getting Better in 2010
It was just months ago that Maia Campbell was looking like train wreck became a Youtube viral video. Now, in this photo by Seven, she is said to be “looking good and very happy and upbeat.” In fact, no trace of her being high. It seems she visited a salon as she was carrying a bag of Miss Jessie’s hair care products. Maia Campbell was also very game to pose for photos. Get well, Maia!

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