Monday, March 22, 2010

Time to get SERIOUS

Last Thursday the 18th marked one year that my son was born, by far the greatest day of my life. The baby weight has been slowly melting away but there have been many plateaus. My favorite season (Summer) is slowly approaching and I refuse to wear leggings and summer dresses everyday, like I did last year. I have a closet full of jeans and have not been able to comfortably fit into them. Now sure I can go out and buy new jeans, but I refuse! So tomorrow marks the first day of my journey, the first day of my MISSION..........
"Project Get Back in my Jeans"
I currently tip the scale at 156, the goal is to get back to my 2006 weight, which is 138 to 140. Now I am sure to some this may not seem like a small size but its a good size for me and its a good size for my jeans.
SOOOOOOOO first plan of action is to start my new way of living with the Master Cleanse (
I attempted to do this cleanse a couple of weeks ago and I didn't last 2 hours, so here we go again. This time I am determined, my cousin has been on the cleanse for over 20 days and he has seen amazing results, not only has he lost 40lbs his skin looks amazing!

So here goes nothing, whose with ME?

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