Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Update on Spring/Summer Diet...............

Alright it's time to give an update on my cleanse that I started last Tuesday. Well I am sad to say, I only lasted six hours. I started the cleanse Tuesday morning and by 2pm I was eating a double bacon cheeseburger in Wendy's parking lot. (holding my head down in shame)
I felt terrible, then on top of that I ate horrible the rest of the week, I went to my favorite Chinese buffet Tin Tin's, I dranked wine and sweet tea vodka for four nights straight and I ate a whole box cake all by myself on Saturday. By Sunday night I had hit an extreme low point. But the key to anything is if you fail, you must pick yourself back up. So Monday morning I started brand new with No Carbs, which is more realistic for me. I have cut out breads, starches, sodas, juices, and desserts. So I am mostly eating fish, vegetables, chicken, eggs, nuts and beans. I get my work out on my walking in the evening for 40 minutes. I also have started a new cleanse Ultra Body Cleanse (pictured above). This cleanse requires you to take 2 to 3 pills a day and drank this herbal tea. If you are interested in trying this cleanse it is an Ardyss product, you can purchase from any Ardyss representative. I got mine from Brandi Harris and you can contact her:
I will keep you updated.

In the mean time check out my little cousin Mylan, he just completed the 30 day master cleanse and he lost over 50lbs. I am soooo proud of him. The first video is day 30 and the last video is day 1&2, you can see the dramatic difference in his face.

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