Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blog Hop Winners and Release recap

Wow! Did you all enjoy the release last week? I'll be honest, I am still trying to recover! My kids went back to school on Monday which added a huge "to do" list. Needless to say, I am very late in posting the winners of the Blog Hop.

The winners for the Blog Hop of 2 Wags 'n Whiskers Stamps of your choice are:
From Angelique's Blog:
From Tracy's Blog:
From Jeanette's Blog:

Congratulations Ladies! If you haven't already made contact, please contact us by Saturday, Aug 28th to claim your prize.
The winner of the WHOLE RELEASE for the Spread the Word Drawing is:
Here are your random integers:
Timestamp: 2010-08-25 17:26:01 UTC
Congratulations Mary Lou!! Please email at with your mailing address!
If you missed the blog hop, check out the awesome cards created by the awesome and talented Design Divas for the release!! Each album is broken down by each Fairy. I love how the same stamp can be used in so many different ways and for so many different seasons!!
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Don't forget that our current Triple Play Challenge will run through noon EST/5pm GMT on Thurs Sept 2nd.

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