Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Flawless Skin..........

What woman doesn't want flawless skin? I certainly can't tell you a woman who doesn't, however we have to work with what God gives us. I certainly am not claiming to have flawless skin nor is it bad, I still get the occasional breakouts. Even though I take the proper steps to keep breakouts to a minimum, when I get a pimple I try to not bother it until it comes to a head. If the pimple leaves a blemish I use two products to help fade the blemish as fast as possible.....

Pure Vitamin E capsules and Sunscreen with a SPF of 70
I take the vitamin E capsule, open it and place it on the blemish, I do this at night because the Vitamin E is very oily and concentrated. Vitamin E is the component in Coco butter that helps fade stretch marks.
Sunscreen with a high SPF is mandatory, if you want blemishes to fade. Naturally when you go outside your skin gets darker, well guess what those blemishes are getting darker too, so I use a sunscreen to block the sun. My skin is on the oily side so my sunscreen is a lightweight oil-free. It's ideal if you can find a moisturizer that you like that has a higher SPF.

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