Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Men this is how we want you to look......................

Before we get into the DO's let's go over some of the DON'TS.
1. Men if your nails are longer than your lady's, there is a problem.
Keep nails short, neat and CLEAN.

2. Fellas, fit is probably one of the most important aspect of Mens fashion.
Clothes must fit properly, when they don't, you tend to look sloopy. This includes pants being the proper length, shirts and sleeves being long enough and even dress socks that are the appropriate length.

3. Guys you don't always have to have the latest shoes that came out, but when steping out make sure your shoes are fresh. Women always look at a man's shoes, you can tell a lot by a man's foot. (lol)

4. If you have a pair of shoes that look like this................... I have no words for you.
If you are over the age of 6, these shouldn't be in your closet.

5. I don't care if your name is Rick Ross, you do not have to wear every chain you have ever owned, less is more. Me personally I only want to see a man in a watch, THAT'S IT.

6. Step away from the LOGOS unless the company is paying you to advertised you should never, be doing free promotion. Remember less is more.

Now let's talk about the way a man should be dressed, here are a few examples of some well dressed men.
Kanye West

Tom Ford

Sean Combs
The common thread among the well dressed men is less is more, you don't have to over do it.

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