Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A downpour and Petit Bateau

Kindergarten doesn't start until next week and my husband has this week off (but no holiday planned because we thought we were going to be moving house; more on that some other time) so we are doing fun 'family stuff' every day (and I have less time for blogging - boo). We've been doing a lot of swimming, cycling, going to playgrounds, eating ice cream :-) and today we decided to go for a walk. 

We went to a big park and walked aimlessly for about 20 minutes until we came to a lake. I sat down on a bench to enjoy the view (normally there would be a picture of that but I didn't have my iPhone with me! Shock horror! I'd run out of the house with the wrong iPhone: the first generation one with the crappy camera that nobody at home actually uses but just happened to be on the table...)

But then we heard noises. A constant rumbling noise... like an airplane that wasn't going anywhere. Within seconds the sky had darkened and rain started to fall over the lake. We started running... and I swear there was one black cloud - just like in a cartoon - that was chasing us. We could hear its 'footsteps' as it got closer and closer... 

Anyway, we got soaked. I was wearing flip flops. I wish I'd had sensible shoes on like this cute little piggy because walking back through the mud was disgusting.

(source unknown)

And next time I'll have to be better prepared... with these matching raincoats from Petit Bateau!

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