Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Casey James Shirtless American Idol Audition

Casey James from Fortworth, Texas is in the American Idol 2010 Leaked Contestants List. In tonight's Denver audition, Casey James sang his version of a John Mayer song "Slow Dancing in the Burning Room". Although his singing prowess is not that grand, he was able to get much attention as the women judges Kara and Victoria are pushing for him while Simon disagreed because he though the show "is not Project Runway". Funny thing is, it was actually Randy Jackson who asked to take his shirt off.
Casey James Shirtless American Idol Audiition
Casey James has a good back story and good looks, it will definitely take him far. Last year, it was Simon's fault bringing in Bikini Girl, now Kara thinks it's their time to be pleased with a male eye candy.

Casey James American Idol Denver Audition video:

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