Thursday, June 17, 2010

Avocado oil: The new olive oil?

So apparently Jamie Oliver is a fan of this stuff: extra virgin avocado oil. That's all you need to know - now go and buy!

No, just kidding. But I definitely want to try it. I love avocados and they're supposed to be very good for you so this makes sense. One 250ml bottle contains the oil of 20 avocados. 

They claim that it is the only extra virgin oil that can be used for high heat cooking. Their suggestions include:
- brush onto summer vegetables and bake at 200°C
- brush onto fish or prawns and grill / barbecue
- use in salad dressings.
To find out more about avocado oil, click here

I found this in the latest issue of Jamie magazine.

I just had to include this. The heart-shaped avocado is so sweet!

I'm guessing most people use olive oil for salads but what do you use for high heat cooking?

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