Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Luxury wardrobes

I just stumbled across Clos-ette, a company that specialises in designing luxury wardrobes. Clients include Eva Longoria Parker, Liv Tyler and Beyoncé... to name a few.

I wouldn't mind having a wardrobe like this... I'm particularly fascinated with the perfectly folded t-shirts arranged by colour. And I must get wooden hangers (hundreds of them) some day. This is surely part of the trick - look how much neater a wardrobe looks when the hangers are not an ugly mishmash (there's a better photo below).

I would love to have a little desk dedicated to jewellery.

I'm liking the phone detail - to make those emergency "what shall I wear?" calls to friends!

From the same person who founded Clos-ette is this book. I was so impressed with what she's done that I'm now thinking of getting it. Do you know it? Is it worth buying?

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