Monday, December 20, 2010

Body Motivation

Kim K.
For those who have been following my blog, you already know I started a "weight lost challenge" in preparation for getting our bodies right for the new year. As time goes on, the motivation starts to dwindle and the steam we had in the beginning turns into a puff of smoke.
One thing that motivates me, is to see images of how I would like my body to look. So I chose 6 bodies I admire. You will find the common theme is CURVES and more CURVES. Not everybody wants this look, but personally I love it. A tip I received from the "Original Glamor Girl" was to tear out pictures of people's body you admire and put it in your wallet, so you have a constant reminder of what you are striving for.

Amber Rose

Rosa Acosta


Melyssa Ford

Vanessa Veasley

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