Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My $25 Mink.............................................

Let me say this, for those who haven't been following this blog long; 1.) I am obsessed with fur 2.) Nothing makes me happier in this world, than a deal (well except Jesus and my son). My new hobby is scouring vintage shops looking for unique pieces. I have really fallen in love with vintage stores because they offer unique pieces that you aren't gonna find in your local shops. On one of my recent visits I came across this jewel. This mink stole was absolutely GORGEOUS, I could not believe my eyes when i saw the $25 price tag (I figured I must be getting PUNKED).

After I investigated the coat, I did find a few tears in it. Luckily the tears were on the pelts. So with my creative little mind, I knew I could get my alterations lady to reincarnate this stole for me. So stay tune to see the minks makeover

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