Thursday, January 6, 2011

Challenge 43 - Valentines

Welcome back stamping friends!!

Sorry, I've been sick and forgot to pick the winners...

The winner of the Snowflake challenge is:
Congratulations, Lisa Haines, you win a free Wags 'n Whiskers Rubber stamp of your choice.

And the winner of the Free WnW Digi (for using a WnW image on your card is)
Ladies, please email me your stamp choices at!

So did you see the post Wednesday? We are having a new release on Monday!!!
And today is the first day of the sneak peeks.

We have some hot ones for you this time!! Pin ups!!
These images are great for the man in your life.

With Valentine's Day around the corner, these images are perfect for fun and sexy cards.
Therefore, this week's challenge is: Valentine's Day

Remember that we now allow other stamp company images for our challenges. But if you use a WnW image, you have a second chance to win a WnW digi stamp.

Click here is you are in need of WnW Rubber stamps or Digi stamps.

Here are the awesome samples from the Design Team - most using the new pin ups...

Chris - made this adorable book mark



Now it's your turn!!
We will be back tomorrow with more samples of the pin ups.

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