Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weight lost Update.......................................

Well the fact of the matter is folks, there is a 600lb woman that lives in my brain. As you all know I started the Mayo Clinic Diet before Thanksgiving and had a lot of success. But with the holidays I have had major set backs, no need to go into detail..........but I am here to say TODAY is a new day. I am back on and more committed then ever.
The above picture is my dinner from tonight meat loaf and green beans.
(I was told by someone I love dearly to stop posting pictures of my meals because I was using to much oil to cook my food. Well I am doing better)
For those who are interested here is the diet:
The Mayo Clinic Diet
The first two days it may feel like you are a drug addict in detox, but I promise you if you can make it to the 3rd day, it's easy street.

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