Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dr Brandt's Anti-Oxidant Water Booster

This was one of those purchases... I read about it (well, just saw it in the Space NK catalogue) and thought it would change my life so I rushed out to get it. It's supposed to be one of those quick miracle products: one dropper of this stuff is equivalent to 15 cups of decaffeinated green tea. "Maintains younger looking skin" and "helps fight free radicals".

When I bought it last autumn there were only two flavours: blueberry and original. (Now they have pomegranate as well, it seems.) At Space NK they let me try both (a couple of drops in a glass of water). I thought the original (green tea) tasted too "grassy" so I got blueberry.

Well, first of all, I don't like the flavour. I can drink it mixed with orange juice but I don't like to because I don't like the thought of ruining a perfectly good glass of orange juice with some weird and fake blueberry flavour. It certainly doesn't taste good in tea and it's too obvious in water.

And the other problem is that I simply forget to use it.

I obviously won't be repurchasing. And I'm now rather pessimistic about short-cuts like this because they usually don't work anyway, right? Has anyone tried this product and loved it?

More info here, if you're interested.

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