Sunday, May 23, 2010

Halle Berry you might have some competition......

I have to say this before I say anything, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I really truly believe that. So what some may find beautiful, others may not.
According to the standards of the "WORLD" high cheekbones, even cemtry, oval shaped face and almond eyes is what is considered to be the "Classic Beauty".
I personally believe Halle Berry is considered "Beautiful" because she has amazing bone structure that is really showcased beautifully when she wears short hair. This is the first time I have ever seen Janet Jackson with hair this short, I have always known her to have hair down her back.
Folks, I must tell you I have never seen her look better.

She looks absolutely GORGEOUS!

Inspires me to cut it all off again!

Your's Truly

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