Monday, May 10, 2010

Proud to announce my first ever blog award

I've been meaning to do this for a while... a post about my very first blog award

A big thank you to Mimi, who gave me the award. And to all my friends and readers - it's really exciting when someone leaves me a nice comment or follows me. Thank you! 

Here are the rules:

1. Give this award to ten sweet and friendly bloggers
2. Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you
3. Put the award on your blog
4. Let your nominated ten know you have awarded them by leaving a comment

I'm going to pass this on to just five bloggers first.

So get ready, Ladies and Gentlemen, the award goes to:

1. Mr Pineapple Man's Adventures - who left me the first comment and shocked me into action when I was still quietly building up my blog (a special thank you to you!)

2. Vivianna, Vivianna Does Makeup - who was my first ever follower 

3. Jennifer, Legallyblonde21 - another newcomer, make-up addict and regular visitor :-) 

4. Liberty London Girl - a bit of this and a bit of that; I never know what's coming next

5. A Page of Inspiration - who loves glamour, luxury and afternoon tea - just like me (and it rhymes!)

A round of applause! 

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