Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Justin Bieber Tattoo is for Real - Tattoo Photos Revealed

So when you're a teen sensation like Justin Bieber - any teensy-weensy tattoo would be a big deal. Yes, Justin Bieber has a tattoo located in his upper left hip. It's in a shape of a bird in flight. Justin got this tattoo when he's about 13 in a tattoo parlor named Son of a Gun in Toronto, Canada. Having this kind of tattoo is sort of a Bieber family tradition because most family members have this bird drawing in their wrists.
Justin Bieber Tattoo is Real
This Justin Bieber tattoo attained wild frenzy as the teen singer was caught playing football in a beach shirtless. Then some fans observed this little blue caricature in his left hip. Now that Justin is out of Twitter trending topics, we just wonder how fans can make some buzz of this new discovery? Below is the Justin Bieber shirtless photo in Sydney:
Tattoo of Justin Bieber

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