Saturday, May 1, 2010

My secret: The 2+1 men in my life

Um, did I ever tell you that I have a teenage daughter who adores the Twilight series and this is why I had to get her this DVD? You wouldn't believe what a fan she is of Edward Cullen / Robert Pattinson...

Ok, I admit it, I don't have a teenage daughter but at times like this I sort of wish I did. Because I'm a wee bit embarrassed to admit that I have a crush on Edward. (I think I'm too old.)

I say Edward because I prefer him as Edward, the perfect gentleman with the perfectly plucked eyebrows. Robert P in real life - in premiere photos - doesn't always look as handsome and he smokes (boo) but his natural skintone and eye colour are better, of course.

So by 2+1 I mean my husband, my son + Edward Cullen. Don't worry, my husband knows all about Edward. And my son's seen photos of him and said he doesn't like Edward's lovely hair. Well, I shall forgive him for not liking men.

It's important to note that I did not pre-order this DVD or rush out to buy it. I am not that desperate. Really.

I know what I shall be doing next week when I have the house to myself...

Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

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