Sunday, May 2, 2010

When a sew-in goes wrong..........

Well folks, The fact of the matter is I am a lab rat willing to experiment with anything. I mean somebody could tell me the hair from a roache's foot gives radiant skin and I would be willing to try it. With that being said I went to the hair store last Monday to look at some different types of hair. The lady introduced me to 4pc weave in a box in ripple deep. Needless to say, you get what you pay for, after the sew-in was complete it was reminiscent of curly fries (I kept hearing jeezy's voice in my head ("her weave look like curly fries"). But in all honesty, I think this was alright hair but, I like to wear my hair out at the top, so getting my real hair to blend with the weave was damn near impossible. That was my major complaint and the fact that the hair was no longer than my real hair. I like to wear weave for length and to give my real hair a break from heat.

Here it is
My new favorite lipstick b.t.w.
(petals and peacocks with magenta liner both by MAC)

3 days later, I couldn't take it anymore. My friend Ebone came by and helped me take it out.
Lesson learned!

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